The True Meaning of Christmas: Reflecting on Jesus's Devotion and Obedience

Created: JANUARY 26, 2025

As we approach Christmas, the Fourth Sunday of Advent invites us to contemplate the profound significance of Jesus's arrival. Dr. Jeremiah J. Johnston, a prominent New Testament scholar and pastor, highlights Jesus's initial words, drawn from Hebrews 10:5-7, as a powerful expression of devotion and obedience to God's will.

These words, spoken by Jesus at his incarnation, reveal a dialogue with God, referencing Psalm 40:6-8. Johnston emphasizes that Jesus's birth occurred during a period of religious and political turmoil. The complexities of Jewish law had become a heavy burden, while Roman rule brought hardship and suffering to many.

Advent Wreath and Nativity Scene

In this challenging context, Jesus offered a different path – one of genuine devotion and obedience to God. Unlike the empty rituals and legalistic practices of the time, Jesus's life exemplified a heartfelt commitment to fulfilling God's purpose. His actions, not mere religious observances, brought true peace to the world.

Nativity Scene

Johnston points out that Jesus's frequent use of the phrase "in the scroll" underscores his deep reverence for scripture. From his first words to his final moments, Jesus consistently demonstrated his commitment to fulfilling God's word. His sacrifice, unlike the Old Testament animal sacrifices, was a voluntary act of love and obedience. God, Johnston explains, values sincere devotion over outward displays of religiosity.

Holy Family with Baby Jesus

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, Johnston urges us to reflect on the deeper meaning of Jesus's words and actions. Jesus's incarnation, death, burial, and resurrection were essential for overcoming sin and fulfilling God's will. His life serves as a powerful reminder that true worship stems from a heart filled with obedience and devotion, a gift freely given through his atoning sacrifice.

During this final week of Advent and as we enter the Christmas season, let us emulate Jesus's example by dedicating our lives to God with sincere devotion, expressing his love and peace through our actions, and placing our trust in him.


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