The familiar image of baby Jesus evokes warmth and nostalgia. We recreate the nativity scene annually, complete with the manger, Mary, Joseph, and the infant Christ. We embrace the gentle Messiah, surrounded by children and sheep, offering wisdom and performing miracles. But there's another aspect of Jesus, one less frequently discussed: Christ the King, the triumphant warrior returning to reign.
While we celebrate Christ in the manger, the Bible speaks extensively about his second coming, over 300 times. Jesus himself promised his return, and apostles like Paul, Peter, and Jude echoed this assurance. This Advent season, as we celebrate the incarnation, we should also reflect on the future arrival of Christ as King.

The familiar image of baby Jesus. (2004 Getty Images)
This anticipation isn't about fear, but preparation. How can we be ready for the returning King? Consider the unwavering dedication of the sentinels guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Their meticulous preparation and unwavering commitment, regardless of weather or circumstance, serve as a powerful example. If they exhibit such devotion to unknown soldiers, shouldn't we demonstrate even greater dedication to our living King who made the ultimate sacrifice?

What actions can we take today to honor our King? What act of kindness, forgiveness, or resistance to temptation can we offer? What gift can we give, what discipline can we embrace, what sacrifice can we make, or what demonstration of love can we show?

A soldier guards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. (Kevin Carter/Getty Images)
Let us act as members of His army, ready for the return of the King of kings. The Christ of the cradle is also the Christ who wears the crown. He is coming soon.

Pastor Max Lucado and his book, "What Happens Next" (
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