A Florida court is examining the case of Ashley Benefield, a former ballerina and Donald Trump fundraiser, who claims self-defense in the fatal shooting of her husband, Doug Benefield, in 2020. The hearing will determine if the second-degree murder charge against her will be dismissed under Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law.
Benefield asserts that she shot her husband after he refused to leave her house and struck her in the face. However, prosecutors dispute her account. Investigators contend that the trajectory of the bullets suggests Doug Benefield was not facing his wife when she fired, and that he displayed no defensive wounds. Furthermore, Ashley Benefield reportedly had no significant injuries.

The couple's relationship, which began at a 2016 political fundraiser, was marked by a whirlwind romance and a shared interest in conservative politics. Doug Benefield supported Ashley's aspirations to establish a ballet company, but the venture ultimately failed. Their marriage deteriorated, with Ashley moving to Florida with their child and accusing Doug of various forms of abuse, none of which were substantiated.

The custody dispute over their daughter was particularly contentious, with allegations of poisoning and domestic violence. Doug Benefield's family attorney has portrayed Ashley as manipulative and deceptive. The hearing continues as the court weighs the evidence and arguments to determine whether the "Stand Your Ground" law applies in this complex case.

Ashley Benefield is currently out on bond. This case has drawn attention due to the couple's backgrounds and the conflicting narratives surrounding the shooting.
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