Life Inside the Playboy Mansion: Izabella St. James Shares Her Story

Created: JANUARY 18, 2025

The late Hugh Hefner, the iconic founder of Playboy magazine, remains a subject of fascination and scrutiny. A new season of A&E's "Secrets of Playboy" delves deeper into the lives of women connected to the brand, offering fresh perspectives on the mansion's complex reality. Izabella St. James, a former girlfriend of Hefner, shares her unique experience.

Izabella St. James in a leopard print dress

Initially hesitant, St. James decided to participate in the second season to provide her account of life at the Playboy Mansion. Having grown up in a different world, she was intrigued by Hefner's self-created universe.

St. James's encounter with the then 75-year-old Hefner occurred at an LA nightclub. Through a law school friend, she received an invitation to the mansion. Her first impression of Hefner was that of a courteous gentleman.

Hugh Hefner in his signature red robe

After several invitations, St. James became one of Hefner's girlfriends, moving into the mansion after graduating from law school. She clarifies she was never a Playmate nor did she pose for the magazine.

Hugh Hefner with Playboy Bunnies and girlfriends

The Playboy Mansion exterior

Life at the mansion, while unconventional, offered its own set of dynamics. St. James describes the relationships as casual, with Hefner having one primary girlfriend. The other girlfriends had their own rooms and freedom throughout the day.

Hugh Hefner with his girlfriends

Mansion life came with rules: a 9 p.m. curfew and a strict no-cheating policy. However, it also offered perks: travel, a weekly allowance, cars, medical and dental care, clothes, and cosmetic surgery.

Hugh Hefner with his girlfriends

Hugh Hefner and girlfriends at a party

Hugh Hefner's girlfriends by the pool

Contrary to expectations, St. James recalls the mansion parties as relatively tame, with Hefner preferring card games and classic movies. The shared boyfriend dynamic, she explains, lessened the individual burden of constant companionship.

Hugh Hefner reading to his girlfriends

However, St. James also alludes to competition and drama among the girlfriends, particularly regarding Holly Madison's alleged ambition to be Hefner's sole partner. St. James left the mansion in 2004 after her best friend was dismissed, marking the end of her time in Hefner's world.

Holly Madison with Hugh Hefner

Hugh Hefner with twin girlfriends

Hugh Hefner with his seven girlfriends

Hugh and Crystal Hefner

A scene from 'The Girls Next Door'

Izabella St. James with a pug

Hugh Hefner in his robe

Now CEO of a pug rescue nonprofit, St. James reflects on Hefner as a complex individual and expresses gratitude for her unique experience at the Playboy Mansion.


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