Former Georgia television news anchor Carol Sbarge experienced a harrowing ordeal during a September hike in the Chattahoochee National Forest. While enjoying the outdoors with her boyfriend, a misstep sent her tumbling down a steep ravine, resulting in a severe ankle injury with three fractures.
The remote location complicated rescue efforts. Sbarge's boyfriend's initial attempts to contact emergency services were unsuccessful due to poor cell service. Fortunately, another hiker happened upon the scene and was able to reach help. Habersham County Emergency Services personnel then embarked on a two-mile trek to reach the injured anchor.

Given the challenging terrain and the severity of Sbarge's injury, rescuers orchestrated a complex operation involving ropes and a helicopter. This marked the first-ever airborne evacuation from Panther Creek Falls, according to officials. Sbarge was airlifted nearly four miles to a local hospital, where she underwent surgery requiring eight screws and a metal plate to repair her ankle.

Reflecting on her experience, Sbarge expressed deep gratitude for the first responders, acknowledging the risks they undertake. "They’re just special people. They’re putting themselves at risk. You know, every day they don’t know what kind of danger they’re going to face," she commented.
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